Card & Card Mix

Soft and comfortable

Made from unused pieces of cardboard boxes (70%) and egg boxes (30%). Country of origin: the Netherlands

  • Soft, warm and comfortable
  • Nearly dust-free and non-allergenic
  • Very suitable for long-haired animals and rats
  • Very high absorption compared to traditional bedding
  • Suitable as a floor covering for birds
  • Recycled product
  • Good for animals, people and planet

Which animals is it for? Rabbits, guinea pigs, rats, chickens and various types of birds.

Rabbits and rodents:
Cover the floor of the cage with a layer between 3 and 5 cm thick. For rabbits, refresh the corner where they do their business every 2 to 3 days. Change at least every 10 days.

Birds: Cover the floor of the cage with a layer between 3 and 4 cm thick. You can also add shell sand and seeds. They will pick out the seeds and the shell sand according to their needs.

For rabbits and guinea pigs, you can add chopped straw as an extra top layer because they are very susceptible to foot pad problems and skin irritation. This is a fantastic product for birds, easy to use, easy to keep clean, always clean and dry and visually very attractive. They can also search for seeds among the product and ingest shell sand as required.